11 Avril – The Great Resignation - séance du 11 avril 2023

14 h Anatol Center

Séminaire de travail 2022-2023, séance du 11 avril 2023.

Cette séance "In education : a french-american comparative examination" se tiendra à l'Université de Californie, Long beach.

The discussants :

Dr. Betina Hsieh
Interim department chair, teacher education, California State University Long Beach

Dr. Marie-Pierre Chopin
Professor of education, sciences & teacher formation, CeDS, Université de Bordeaux

Dr Julien Tourneville
Post-doctoral researcher, CeDS, Université de Bordeaux

Summary :

While very different educational systems, both the US and France are facing crises in recruitment, retention and attrition among educators. This facilitated discussion will draw from parallel research across French-US contexts to examine these related phenomena affecting the educator workforce through three lenses: the nature of crises in education, differentiated effects of crises on particular actors/ subgroups, regional/ place-based dimensions of (educational) crises.

Localisation de l’événement